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   1984 New York University 무용교육과 D.A (예술학 박사)
   1979 New York University 무용교육과 M.A. (석사학위)
   1967 건국대학교 영어영문학과 B.A. (학사학위) 

   *박사논문 : “ The Evolvement of Yimoko III : Zen Dance 
                      Choreography ” ,New York University."
                      “ The Evolvement of Yimoko III : Zen Dance 
                       Choreography ”
                       (1984,U.M.I Ann Arbor, Michigan 영문판)


이선옥 (Lee, Sun Ock) 



1950-1963         김백초 선생께 현대 무용 및 한국무용 사사


1960-1968         이매방 선생께 사사, 김천흥 선생께 궁중무용 사사, 김소희 선생께 가야금 공부


1969-1971         마타 그래햄 (Martha Graham)테크닉 사사


1973-1975         All Nations Dance Company 멤버


1978-1983         Erick Hawkins 테크닉 사사


1973-1994         뉴욕 아시아 소사이어티 뉴욕 주재 예술가 역임


1975-1977         숭산 선사께 사사


1980                   National Endowment for the Arts (미국정부문화예술부) “ 안무가상 80 ” 수상


1976-현재           선무 위원회 창단 유럽 , 아시아, 미국 내 300여회 순회공연 및 강의


1978-1996         송담 선사께 활구선 사사


1990-1993         아세아 소사이어티 (뉴욕)공연예술과 부원장 역임


1993-1997         양익 큰스님께 수인법 사사


1984                   뉴욕대학 무용과에서 예술 박사 학위 수여


1991-1993         아시아 소사이어티 공연 예술과 부원장직 역임


1993                   라 마마 (La mama)극장 아시아 현대 무용제 감독


1994                   파리 르 몽 포엥 극장에서 “선무가 : 바라밀다 Ⅰ”공연


1995                   뉴욕 시립극장 (Public Theater)에서 바라밀다 공연


1996                   링컨센타 댄스 코렉션 도서관 (Lincoln center Dance Collection Library) “선무”에 대한 모든 안무 영구소장


1997                   링컨센타 댄스 코렉션 도서관 주최 선무창작 과정 강의 및 공연 뉴욕 다니케이 극장 주최 “아세아 현대 무용제”참가 
                            프랑스 Biennale de danse Du val de Marne 참가


1997-1999         한국 유네스코 위원회 APRCCN 문화자문 역임


1993-현재           이선옥 선무 (Zen Dance Company)운영 뉴욕아세아 태평양(APCDF)현대무용제 창립, 예술감독


1997-2001         상명대학교 무용학과 겸임교수 역임


1999-현재           APPAN(아태 지역공연예술 네트웍) 국제 코디네이터(사무총장)


2001                   KAASBAAN, Tivoli NY, SunMu- “ Form is Emptiness ” 공연 Hong Kong, Hana Bank 30 the Anniversary                                         Performance 공연


2002                   한국국립민속박물관 과 한국 APPAN본부 공동주최: “아태공연예술의 테라피역활” 에대한 제4회국제Festival과 학술                                 회의(The Role of Healing in Asia-Pacific Performing Arts) 선무참가공연


2001, 2003        APPAN Festival and Symposium at Delhi, Banikhet-Dalhousie, Rishikesh in India


2001-2002         원광대 환경보건대학원 예술치료학과 전임대우 초빙교수


2002-2007         포천중문의과대학교 보건대학원 선무 무용치료전공 주임교수




Professor, Program Director (2001-2007): POCHEON CHA University

- Graduate School of Health Science, Complementary Alternative Medicine: Zen dance Therapy, Seoul, Korea

- Created “SunMu-Zendance: Movement Meditation Therapy Programs” for breast and womb cancer patients for the rehabilitation and recovery of swelling as well pain reduction

- Developed other therapy programs for prenatal and postnatal women, menopausal women, and stress reduction for teenagers and the public.


International Secretary General (1997-Current): ASIA- PACIFIC PERFORMING ARTS NETWORK (under UNESCO), Seoul, Korea

- Organized the APPAN Conference titled ”The Role of Healing  in Asia- Pacific performing Arts” and promoted a worldwide conference hosting 8 different countries

- Translated, coordinated events, lodging, and tours for performers, and drafted press releases to broadcasters, press, and schools


Professor (2000-2001): WONKWANG University

- Graduate School of Health Science, Department of Arts Therapy: Dance Therapy Majors, Sanbon, Korea


Professor (1998-2000): SANG MYUNG University

- Undergraduate Dance Department, Dance Aesthetic Criticism, SunMu Technique, Seoul, Korea


Adjunct Professor (1984-1996): New York University

- Department of Music, Dance Arts profession, New York


Teaching fellow, Instructor (1978-1983): New York University

- Department of Dance and Dance Ed, New York


Assistant Director/ Resident Artist (1973-1993): THE ASIA SOCIETY, New York

- Assistant director for the department of performing arts (1990-1993)

- Resident Artist (1973-1990)

- Founder of Asia-Pacific Contemporary Dance Festival in NYC (1993-2007)

- Founder, Artistic Director and Choreographer (1976-Current): SUN MU-ZEN DANCE COMPANY, NYC and Seoul, Korea        




2010        Center for Korean Studies at Hawaii University & Alice Anne Parker in Hawaii and APPAN Festival-Conference, Benikhet,                  India.

2009        APPAN Festival, Yokohama, Japan


2008        APPAN Festival-Symposium, La MaMa, E. T. C, NYC


2007        Toured lecture & workshop in New Delhi, Kalka Assam


2006        Performed at UN Peace Making Conference in Thailand, and Spring Festival in Bordeaux, France. 7thAPPAN Festival -                     Symposium in Seoul.


2005        Hollywood Hospital Opening Ceremony with Nawang Kechok in Los Angeles, USA


2004       Florence International Dance Festival and Rome in Italy


2003       New Delhi, Assam, Calcutta tour - APPAN Festival, India in February

                Arts and Spirituality Festival- Assisi, Italy in September


2002       California tour- Korean Musical ceremony-USA in May

      Kuhwa Mountain - Enlightenment Ceremony of Saint. Kim Kyo-gak- China in Oct


2001       International Dance Center, NY and Island Festival of Tasmania, Australia


2000       Dong Sung Art Center, Seoul and APPAN International Conference, New Delhi, India


1999       APCDF Festival, NYC and La Biennale Dance Festival, Val de Marne, France


1997       Asian Contemporary Dance Festival in NYC, Seoul Art Center, Korea

                India’s 50th Anniversary of Independence, Dance and Music Festival, New Delhi


1995       Joseph Papp Public Theatre – NYC – Dr. Lee’s dance repertories are preserved at Lincoln Center Performing Arts Library of                Dance Collection in NYC


1994        La Rond Point Theatre, Paris


1992       Arthur Sackler Gallery – The Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.


1991        Festival of 2000 Years – Hong Kong, China, and The Asia Society, NYC




La MaMa ETC /APPAN Festival in New York City, 2008

Asian Cultural Council, "APPAN Inauguration Conference" in Seoul, 2001 & 2008

Korean Cultural Service, "Zen Dance Company", NYC, 1999 & 2008

Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism, " Zen Dance Company/ APPAN Festival" in Seoul, 2006 & 2007

Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism, "Zen Dance Company", Florence, Rome, Italy, 2004

Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism, "Zen Dance: Arts and Spirituality " Assisi, Italy, 2003

Korea Foundation, and " Korean Musical Ceremony: SunMu", California Tour, USA, 2002

Asian Cultural Council/Artist Residency Award, NYC, 1996-1997

Meet the Composer grant, NYC, 1997

Public Theatre and NCCC, " Son Mu Ga: Paramita", NYC, 1995

Le Rond Point Theatre, " SonMuga; Paramita" Commissioned, Paris, 1994

Dance Space Project, "LotusV", NYC, 1993

Smithsonian Institution, " ZenDance: LotusV", Washington D.C, 1992

The Asia Society, "ZenDance: Lotus1-IV" 1991

Duke University, commissioned for "LotusII", North Carolina, 1987

Du Mond Cultural Center " Zen Dance: LotusI" commissioned, Paris,1986

National Endowment for the Arts, "Choreographer's Award/ Zen Dance", Washington, DC,1980

       54-1 Pyeongchang-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea
HP:  010-2325-1014

Tel : (82-2)391-6502
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